
Newcomer Sessions

#développement #autonomie #collaboration #convivialité


mercredi 26.04.2023    
18:00 - 21:00

hub neuchatel
rue des terreaux 7, neuchâtel, ne, 2000

Are you an expat/newcomer living in Neuchâtel ?

Moving to another country means starting from scratch in several aspects.
Having gone through it ourselves, we know it is a huge challenge.
We also know it is also a unique and valuable opportunity to revamp ourselves in some capacity.

Have you ever felt the need to settle in properly?
Have you ever wondered how to integrate into the local community?
In other words, how to make the most of this new opportunity?

At the hub neuchatel, we strongly believe that exchange is essential for individuals and communities, and that is how to make things happen.
This time we proudly invite you to a special evening of testimonials

hub neuchatel presents the “Newcomers sessions”

An informal “apéro” with a series of interviews with seasoned expats

Far more than an apéro décontracté or a networking event, it is a great opportunity to meet real people who have faced the same challenges that you.

They will tell us why they choose this city to live in, how they make the most out of it and will be open for questions to help you.

What is the objective of this event?

  •  to provide a participative space to exchange about in a new environment;
  • to discover stories of former expats which can help others;
  • to support the newcomers in this challenging process

Who is the event aimed at and why participating?

  • Expats/newcomers who feel they could improve their experience as residents
  • Or simply willing to meet new people, hear different stories and relax over an apéro.

Hosts – Expats from different backgrounds who are willing to share their experience

  • Morli Mathys — USA
  • Kalai Ramu – Singapore
  • Sandrine – France
  • Emilio Nogueira – Argentina


  • Personal background
  • Their new life in Neuchâtel
  • Tips & insights from personal experience


  • 18h00 : welcome & apéro kick off
  • 18h15 : introduction – hub Neuchatel
  • 18h30 : 1st Interview + Q&A
  • 19h00 : 2nd Interview + Q&A
  • 19h30 : 3rd Interview + Q&A
  • 20h00 : 4th Interview + Q&A
  • 20h30 : Apéro Pt 2

Registration and information

  • ticket : chf 10.- (food + setup) – to be paid on site by twint or cash
  • contribution for wine & beer
  • registration required using the form below


les réservations pour cet événement sont closes.

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nous contacter

appelez-nous de lundi à vendredi entre 8h30 et 18h00 au +41 32 534 85 96 ou écrivez-nous un email et nous répondrons dès que possible.

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